Headache and Migraine

Many patients have found that treatment with Kay has eradicated problematic headaches and migraine episodes.

Further reading

Baischer W. (1995) Acupuncture in migraine: long-term outcome and predicting factors. Headache 35;8 472-4 Boivie J, Brattburg G. (1987)

Dowson DI, Lewith GT, Machin D (1985) The effects of acupuncture versus placebo in the treatment of headache. Pain 21:35-42.

Are there long lasting effects on migraine headache after one series of acupuncture treatments? J Chin Med 15: 1-2: 69-75 Birch S. (1998)

Credibility of treatment in controlled trials of acupuncture. J Alt Compl Med, (Research on Paradigm, Practice and Policy), 3(4) 315-7 Blackwell R. (1991)

The treatment of headache and migraine with acupuncture. J Chin Med 35:20-26 Dowson DI, Lewith G, Machin D. (1985)

Acupuncture versus metroplol in migraine prohylaxis: a randomised trial of trigger point activation. J Intern Med 235: 451-6 Junnila SY.(1986)

Acupuncture for long term treatment of headache in a national health centre. Am J Acupunct 14: 351-3 Laitinen J. (1975)

Acupuncture for migraine prophylaxis: a prospective clinical study with six months follow up. Am J Chin Med 3; 271-4 Lewith G. (1996)

Migraine: the complementary approaches considered. Complement Therapies in Medicine 4(1); 26-30 Lewith G, Machin D. (1983)

Acupuncture versus medical treatment for migraine and muscle tension headaches. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 47: 333-7. National Institutes of Health. (1997)

Acupuncture in the treatment of migraine. Br J Acupunct,Tavola T, Gala C, Conte G, Inverizzi G. (1992)

P, Rosted, Practical recommendations for the use of acupuncture in the treatment of temporomandibular disorders based on the outcome of published controlled studies. Oral diseases, 2001 – Wiley Online Library