Pain can be debilitating it affects both children and adults and we all experience pain at some time in our lives. Chronic ongoing pain is a problem as many people suffer daily with no hope other than taking strong medication to relive the pain. Unfortunately medication has side effects, some can be very unpleasant and many patients prefer to try Acupuncture as it can be extremely effective in reducing pain. Some conditions may be ongoing without “A cure”. Pain can be very depressing and this in itself can therefore further impact further on well being, both mentally and physically. Kay regularly runs pain management clinic days to try to help long term sufferers of pain. Appointments are limited in number. The fees for clinic days are reduced to try to help make appointments available to patients who may have limited finances.
Tong, Y. Guo, H. Han, B. Fifteen-day acupuncture treatment relieves diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
Journal of acupuncture and meridian studies, 2010 – Elsevier
Acupuncture and electroacupuncture for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. L Casimiro, L Barnsley, L Brosseau… – … Database Syst Rev, 2005 – Wiley Online Library